1. Coaching Package
  2. Challenges + Choices = Changes

Challenges + Choices = Changes

There is always uncertainty and fear when we are wanting to make changes for ourselves.  All the what-if’s consume our brain that causes us to second guess ourselves.  We end up giving up because we don’t know what to do or where to start.  We feel stuck.

We have set our pricing so they are affordable because we believe EVERYONE DESERVES TO HAVE SOMEONE in their corner to support and guide them in their quest to do life differently.  Let Celine be that “someone” for you!  Each coaching session is 50 minutes in duration.


From : $150.00$105.00

This 3 C’s Empowerment Coaching will help you gain a strong sense of self that encompasseses compassion and understanding so you can trust yourself enough to speak without fear, to cry, and to feel heard.  You will explore and gain insight into how to view the struggles/challenges through a new lens so you are able to see possibilities and options you may not have noticed before.  We will work together to put the puzzle pieces together and determine what action steps feel right for you.  This will ultimately help you to confidently move through the challenges and struggles in front of you, and to feel empowered when making choices that are in alignment with who you are inside and out.

Do you want to feel “I am enough, worthy and deserving”?  Are you ready to say “I can and I’m going to?”?    Contact Celine for your FREE 30-minute Discovery Session to chat about what you are wanting to move towards and move away from.  Become a part of the growing movement who are choosing to shift themselves higher!

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